What can you expect from DERRICK INGS AIRCRAFT SALES when you place your aircraft with us to sell?
The most important thing is that we recognise that the aircraft is yours, not ours, and as such the asking price and eventual selling price is always yours to control. We will give advice where necessary and, once we have reached an agreement, we will advertise your aircraft in our regular magazine adverts plus any Web advertising we might occasionally subscribe to, and of course our own Web Site.
We will ask you to sign a Brokerage Agreement and, only upon completion of the sale, pay our fee.
During the Brokerage period the aircraft will remain with you under your care and control and for your continued use.
Generally speaking, buyers will come to your location [via an appointment through us] rather than the other way around, although occasionally a buyer will ask if you are prepared to position the aircraft to them at their expense.
We have people already in our files that are looking for aircraft and these will be the first people we contact; quite often this can result in a fast sale. On other occasions we need to spread the message further afield and add the details of your aircraft to our published advertisements:
These adverts are placed in a wide selection (note 'selection',
not necessarily all every month) of publications such as:-
GA Buyer
World Aircraft Sales
AOPA General Aviation
Flight Safety GASCo
Published monthly
Published monthly
Published monthly
Published monthly
Published bi-monthly
Published quarterly
In addition we will market aircraft Worldwide on our Web Site at and occasionally on other appropriate national, European or International aircraft sales web sites.
We can, if necessary, advertise in other publications or on specialist Web Sites and we would normally discuss this with you beforehand as the cost of any such additional advertising may need to be passed on to you.
The typical time from acceptance of a Brokerage Agreement to sale is around 3 months but can take longer according to the market and the price required by the seller.
Generally we do not buy for cash but occasionally we may be able to help.
since 1970